
Research Interests: Political Economy, Labour and Education Economics, Applied Microeconomics.


The Institutional Role of the Italian Mafia: Enforcing Contracts When the State Does Notdraft
WINNER: Young Economist Award - EEA 2023

Education Expansion, College Choice and Labour Market Success (w/ P. Ghinetti, S. Moriconi, C. Naguib, M. Pellizzari) Submitted
▪ WP: CEPR DP 18712CESifo WP No. 10842BSE WP 1419
▪ Project financed by the Swiss National Research Fund (grant 182228)
▪ Media coverage: VoxEu column,

The Persistence of the Sicilian Mafia ▪ Draft coming soon


The Taxing Challenges of the State: Unveiling the Role of Fiscal & Administrative Capacity in Development (w/ E. Muñoz-Sobrado, A. Piolatto, A. Zerbini) CESifo Economic Studies, 2024
▪ WP versions: BSE Working Paper 1432